Refold your Quilts


This is an antique feed sack. When preparing to wash it, I noticed how dirty it was on the fold line. It also had some tiny holes on the fold line. This is a good example of what can happen if we don’t we refold our stored quilts occasionally. I heard a quilt appraiser advise folding quilts diagonally and not square like we tend to do.

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Layout Options

If you have ever looked through the patterns page on my website ( or my Facebook page (Camelia’s Unique Creations) you may have ran across my quilted couch.

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After finishing this epic project I wanted to publish a quilt pattern with the same block in a wallhanging size as well as all bed sizes.

When placing the “couch quilt” (created with blues and yellows) next to the wallhanging (created with country French fabrics in primary colors) I was amazed at the difference.

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1Kal Flower Garden TEXT copyOne difference was the layout. In the quilted couch, the starbursts are outside of the center kaleidoscope. In the wallhanging, the starburst is in the center.

Both projects are created with the same simple quilt block.  Isn’t the difference amazing?

A good lesson to be learned—layout your quilt in various ways to see which option you like the best.

I Can See Clearly Now

Before    After

I am so impressed with a new product that my husband introduced to me.  It’s not a quilting gadget but it will help you arrive at your quilting events safely.  I didn’t have a clue that my headlights were unclear or that my driving conditions were unsafe.  Restoring cloudy headlights improves nighttime visibility and the ability of other drivers to see you.  I have included photos:  “before” on the left and “after” on the right.  The best part is that no special tools or skills are required.

We used the 3M Headlight Restoration Kit with a five step process that restores the clarity of yellowed, hazy, or dull headlight lenses.  No tools are required to get excellent results. Just following the directions included with the 3M Headlight Restoration Kit to restore your headlights’ function and appearance.  Kit contains: sanding discs, finishing discs, refining discs, rubbing compound, foam pad and instructions.  Other items you will need that are sold separately: microfiber detail cloth, 3M automotive performance masking tape (we had painters tape on hand and it worked fine), paper towels, spray bottle and water.

Consumer Reports tested various brands (Sylvania Headlight Restoration Kit, 3M Headlight Lens Restoration System 2900, Turtle Wax Headlight Lens Restorer and Fast Brite Auto Headlight Restorer Kit) ranging from $9 – $21 and stated: “We recently tried four products on dozens of headlights, and our tests show that even the poorest performer of the bunch can dramatically improve light output, depending on how badly the lenses are weathered. All cost less than $25.”

The kits are available at auto part stores.