Yearning for Spring

I recently entered my poem, Seasons in the Blue Ridge Mountains, in a contest. When reading the following paragraph about spring and browsing through my photos with blooming redbuds, dogwoods, I yearned for those carefree days with warmer weather.

During spring, friends stroll down the road

Savoring the fragrant aroma of lily of the valley,

Admiring the graceful beauty of dogwoods in bloom

While hearing the remote call of a bobwhite quail.

ImageEaster is one of the signs of spring.  I have fond memories with my children in their Easter finery, hunting eggs and spending time with friends and family.  The photo of my family was taken long ago, on the Easter of 1985.

EasterI have designed and published a pattern Easter Sunday Memories, a 28½” round table topper (see photo to right) made with a fabric that I love working with—wool.  After felting my wool, I don’t have to worry about buttonhole or satin stitching the raw edges.  I guess I’m a bit of a purist when it comes to appliqué and do not prefer the look of raw edge appliqué.  Whether working with wool or 100% cotton, I have a favorite technique.  Look for detailed instructions on my next blog.
